After coming out of Jail, Bhai Gurdev Singh ji continued his Gursikhi Parchar. It has been a age-old tradition of Damdami Taksal that whenever Sikhi undergoes hard times, warriors of Taksal fight in battlefield and parcharks go out in countryside,towns and cities and do parchar of Sikhi, taking forward mission of Guru and Shaheeds, inspiring more and more youth to dedicate their lives to cause of Panth and Guru. Bhai Sahib, giving Pehra on this age old tradition of Taksal, kept the lamp of Parchar burning. He was highly popular among youth after his release and was seen as an icon and inspiration. Police tagged him as 'Mother of Militants' (as wherever he went, youth flocked to him and after listening to his fearless bachans, joined Sikh struggle).
Fearing Bhai Gurdev Singh ji Kaunke's charismatic personality, Punjab Police conspired to eliminate Bhai Sahib physically.On 20th December 1992, Bhai Sahib ji was arrested again and was tortured badly by Swaran ghotna, Harbhagwan sodhi and Gurdeep singh of Jagraon police. Bhai sahib was killed on morning 1st January 1993 and his body was thrown in a river. Before his Shaheedi, his bones were broken, flesh pierced with hot iron rods and electric shocks were given to Singh Sahib ji. But he continued his Baani Jaap, bravely facing every torture inflicted upon him with power of Baani. As the Sun of new year of 1992 rose, the shining Star of Sikh Panth's sky, Jathedar of Sri Akaal Takhat Sahib, Bhai Gurdev Singh ji Kaunke attained immortality by shedding his holy blood for Guru Gobind Singh ji.
People like Bhai Sahib and Baba Manochahal were true Jathedars of Akaal Takhat Sahib who served Gur-Sikhi and fought for Panth till last breath.They are the ones whom this Panth will love and respect forever.
Parnaam Shaheeda nu.
Parnaam Shaheeda nu!! Waheguru!